Just like the tides of the sea rise, they also fall. On beautiful days, waves flow seamlessly and effortlessly, but when storms start to form, waves immediately begin to crash against each other and the beginnings of a storm start to brew. In a way, life is remarkably similar. We can’t predict what the waves will bring, but we can learn to develop an awareness for the balance of the rise and fall that embodies life.

These past few months have been just that, a balance that we must come to terms with. There have been several life changing events that has affected everyone and has spread across the entire globe. COVID-19, home schooling our children, police brutality, racial injustice, and so so so much more. 2020 has so far been one hell of show…and it just keeps going.

I know that I’ve been absent for quite awhile, more so than my average break from social media, and if you’ve landed here, then welcome to my new site. Take a look around and please tell me what you think. I’ve been working a lot on taking care of myself and making sure that first and foremost, that I’m okay with myself, my body, and my mental + physical health (more on that on a later post). Self care starts from within and works itself outward.

Choosing to embrace the uncertainty that comes with the unknown, good or bad, has strengthened more than my resolve. Choosing to fight the waves that came crashing in and taking the time to work through them. In time, I know that every time a tough wave comes, it won’t knock me down so hard anymore. Learning to accept what I can’t control has allowed me to build new strength to stand tall (at a sassy 5’1!) and ride all the waves of life.