Bora Chan Photography - Ramen 1

Well, here we are. 2021...Happy New Year!
— Bora

Welcome to my first post of 2021! What a crazy month so far…there are simply no words. Let’s start this year off with one of my ramen recipes!

Baby it’s cold outside…and in too! What more can you do than make some ramen to spice up your life and your insides too! This ain’t no college ramen but an upgraded highly recommended “Bora’s Spicy Ramen, Version 1”. This is a hearty meal that will take less than 15 minutes to make, and make your colder days seem non-existent due to your taste buds being on fire!

Let’s talk ramen. I love ramen and I love perusing the ramen aisle and trying all different brands and types of ramen. If you go to any of the Asian stores, they have a whole aisle devoted to ramen and noodles and although it can be quite overwhelming, I find it exciting! Strange, I know. One of my current favorites is from the Buldak brand featured below. I found it in the Korean market stores but it’s also available on Amazon and InstaCart. I normally use whatever greens I have on hand but I go for the baby bok choy or watercress, or if I’m feeling like a superb meal, then both. I also prefer the shimeji mushrooms because they have a little bit more flavor but you can use what you like or what’s available. I also add in a few slices of red kamaboko and one egg. Some of my other versions include seafood so you’ll just have to tune in when I have that post up!

Do you have all your ingredients ready??!! Please note that you can use whatever you have on hand to put into your ramen, you don’t have to follow my exact ingredient list, you can substitute or even be more creative than I! The recipe below is using the ingredients I have pictured here.

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Bora Chan Photography - Ramen 2
Bora Chan Photography - Ramen 3


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- 1 package Buldak brand ramen noodles - H-mart

- 1 egg

- handful of white shimeji mushrooms or more, whatever your heart desires - H-mart

- handful of brown shimeji beech mushrooms - H-mart

- 3-4 baby bok choy - H-mart

- 3-4 slices of red kamaboko - H-mart

- 1 cup water

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Grab a saucepan and pour in your water. You can use less or more depending on how soupy you want your ramen. I like it with less soup and I believe on the ramen package it says to dump most of it out before adding the liquid seasoning so that it’s more of a stir fry noodle dish with less water. I like it with just about 3/4 cup of water because some of the liquid will absorb into the ramen and veggies. The next few steps are going to go quickly so DO NOT LEAVE YOUR RAMEN UN-ATTENDED!!!

Use high heat until you start seeing the water simmer. Lower down to medium heat and add the bok choy first. Wait about a minute and then add in the ramen. Wait another minute and the ramen will start to separate. This is when you add in your egg. I like mine slightly poached meaning I don’t like it runny but still not cooked all the way inside. This is the time to decide how much water you want in your ramen. Take some out or add some in before adding the liquid seasoning. Note: Adding more water will dilute the spiciness

Once you’ve decided on your water, add in the liquid seasoning. Add the mushrooms after that because they will cook quickly. Give everything a good stir so that the seasoning is spread out evenly. Give it about 2-3 minutes left to simmer together and pour into your bowl. Top with the red kamaboko and the package of dry seasoning. The kamaboko is already cooked so you don’t need to do anything special other than slicing it. Grab some condiments if you have them and you are all set. I had picked out some seaweed and chopped cucumbers. I find that this balances out the spiciness of the ramen. Ooops, did I forget to mention that this was SPICY!!! Enjoy and tell me how your ramen turns out! I’d love to see a photo of it too!

Stay tuned because there’s going to be a Version 2!

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