Why have a cherry when I can have some lychee or rambutan? I’ll admit it, I’m a little spoiled when it comes to fresh fruit. I like them as is or topped over oatmeal or yogurt. I think some of my heritage and background might have something to do with it. Early on as a young child, I was introduced to exotic fruits and vegetables and now my taste buds will never be the same.

Bora Chan Photography - Dragonfruit 3
Bora Chan Photography - Dragonfruit 2
Bora Chan Photography - Dragonfruit 4

One of my favorite ultimate things to eat is fruit.  If we’re gonna get down to the nitty gritty, my favorite fruit option is mango with strawberries coming in a close second.  And guess what??!!  Lots of fruits and veggies contain water so it’ll help your water intake for the day and keep you hydrated. Ninety-nine percent of the time, I prefer fruit as a dessert compared to all the savory options out there. Weird is the new cool!

Fresh fruit is as essential to me as water and will always be a part of my diet and lifestyle. Fruits also contain a lot of natural sugars so yes, you can overdo too much fruit if your body cannot handle the tolerance or acidity of some fruits.  But it’s hard to overdo natural whole fruit…which is how I like eat it.  I can have fruit as a snack or as dessert. I like to top my breakfasts with fruit or when I’m on the run, I’ll take chopped fruit to go.  I also add frozen fruit to my smoothies and use them as props in my photos like the dragon fruit above! I’ve been very fortunate to have been exposed to many different types of fruit so when it is in season, I’ll replace the more normal fruits with dragonfruit or jackfruit to give it a different vibe. Don’t worry, I’m not a cherry hater!

I realize that everyone has such a different method for making their oatmeal but today I’ll share with you mine! It takes less than 10 minutes and I usually have it a couple times a week. I love oatmeal for a variety of reasons. Oatmeal has lots of fiber and mixed in with a few other ingredients such as fruit and chia seeds, the nutritional benefits will make your body feel amazing! So here’s how I make it along with the brands I like to use!


Bora Chan Photography - Oatmeal


- 1/2 cup oats (Bob’s Red Mill Organic Rolled Oats, Gluten Free Old Fashioned) - usually buy them online from Vitacost

- 1 tablespoon chia seeds (Nutiva Organic Chia Seeds) - Costco

- handful coconut chips or 2 tablespoons (Organic Unsweetened from Trader Joe’s) - I find these taste the best

- 1/2 cup almond milk (Almond Breeze) - Costco

-1/2 cup water

-1 tablespoon maple syrup (Organic Kirkland brand) - Costco

-1/2 tablespoon pumpkin seeds (unsalted Trader Joe’s)

Bora Chan Photography - Oatmeal
Bora Chan Photography - Fruit
Bora Chan Photography - Oatmeal

Put the oats, chia seeds, and coconut chips in a small saucepan. Dry toast on medium heat until you can smell the oats. Takes about a minute or two and the oats will smell heavenly. Toasting them beforehand makes it less mushy when adding the liquids later which is how I like them. You can skip this step if you like them mushy. Turn the heat down to low and add the maple syrup. Give it a couple turns and tosses to coat the ingredients with the syrup. Add the milk and water. You can also use just milk instead of adding the water. Give it a quick stir to make sure nothing is sticking to the bottom of the pan. Turn the heat back to medium, let it sit and bubble up for a minute and then give it a couple more stirs until you get to an oatmeal consistency you like. I give it about 2 minutes for mine but you may like yours thicker or runnier, it’s up to you! I like it a little on the runnier side because when I start to top it with my fruit and seeds, it tends to thicken up and that’s when I get the perfect oatmeal!

Pour into a bowl and top with pumpkin seeds. If I have some flaxseed hanging around, I’ll put a bit into the bowl too. I slice half a banana, chop a few strawberries, and toss a handful of blueberries on top! That’s it! I don’t add any extra sugars except for the maple syrup. Have it with a side of french-pressed coffee and breakfast is heavenly. This is also my favorite post-surf breakfast to have as well! Let me know your favorite way to make oatmeal!

TIP: If you’re making this for the first time, DO NOT WALK AWAY from the oatmeal! Stay and keep an eye on it so that nothing burns or if you leave it on for too long the milk gets slimy if cooked too long and you don’t want that. Happy Eating!!!